From: Integral World [] Sent: maandag 1 januari 2007 23:07 To: Subject: [personal] Integral Ethics INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 177 Amsterdam, January 1, 2007 WILBER WATCH BLOG: "2006: WHAT A YEAR!" INTEGRAL ETHICS - Alan Kazlev "Integral morality can be defined as the application of integral thought to morality and ethics. This determines the way one acts in the world towards other sentient beings (and even towards nonsentient matter). I see three approaches here, which can be coinsidered as complementary: the epistemological (morality resulting from empathic understanding of the other), metaphysical (the synergetic dynamics of the yin and yang pole), and activist (animal liberation, deep ecology, going beyond ethnocentric and anthropocentric biases). The first of these is inspired by participatory thinker John Heron (who along with Richard Tarnas, Jorge Ferrer and other participatory thinkers represents a very different form of Integral than the Wilberian and post-Wilberian), the second by Edward Haskell (Unified Science), and the last by people like Peter Singer and the Animal Liberation movement, and by the environmental and alternative movement in general." Read more: SOME NOTES ON PERSONALISM - Frank Visser "This essay freely explores some assumptions behind the four quadrant model and the three personal pronouns common to language, that might shape our perception and condition our actions. As the final thought of this year, looking back on the tumultous year of 2006, one wonders how much of Wilber's behaviour towards his critics has been shaped by the four quadrant model (as summarized by I, We and It) -- so everything not included in the I and the We can be looked at with contempt -- where a more personalistic approach would have taught us that, first and foremost, we're all persons, entitled to respect, even if we refuse to speak to eachother -- with widely different opinions, for sure, but in the end connected in our search for truth." Read more: If you know other people interested in this IW Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UPDATE your email address or UNSUBSCRIBE, click here: To go to the Newsletter Archive, click here: