Van: Integral World [] Verzonden: maandag 31 mei 2010 22:03 Aan: Onderwerp: [personal] Integral Method INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 320 Amsterdam, May 31st, 2010 WHERE'S THE METHOD TO OUR INTEGRAL MADNESS? An Outline for an Integral Meta- Studies - Mark Edwards Integral metatheory does not currently employ any formal research method for developing or evaluating its frameworks, propositions and knowledge claims. As is the case with almost all other metatheory, Ken Wilber's AQAL framework has been developed according to a creative and idiosyncratic mix of personal insight and traditional scholarship. The AQAL conceptual lenses, their relationships and the AQAL metatheoretical system, which they constitute, are the result one man's analysis of extant scientific and cultural knowledge. It may be expert analysis that is based on traditional methods of scholarship, but that informal approach needs to be augmented and evaluated by more rigorous and transparent methods of research. More importantly, those methods need to be developed and applied by communities of researchers, practitioners and scholars who are aware of, and competent in, the methods and techniques of metatheorising. Read more: An ADDTHIS button has been placed at the top-left of the homepage, so you can send this site to your social neworks friends easily. If you know other people interested in this Integral World Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UPDATE your email address or UNSUBSCRIBE, click here: