Van: "Integral World" Aan: Onderwerp: In Defense of Sheldrake Datum: donderdag 20 februari 2014 8:23 INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 492 Amsterdam, February 20th, 2014 THE MATHEMATICAL UNIVERSE, SCIENCE, AND EULER'S FORMULA - ELLIOT BENJAMIN Being a pure mathematician and not an applied mathematician, admittedly I do not know much about how far-reaching and extensive is the practical significance of the sine and cosine waves that Hockney apparently sees as the be-all and end-all of existence (cf. [1]). Of course as a mathematician I could point out that not just “any” function can be approximated by Fourier trigonometric series, but rather only “nice” functions that are “piecewise continuous.” However, part of what I want to emphasize in this article is that it seems to me that Hockney is attributing far too much significance to Euler's formula than is warranted. In fact, I must say that even Andy Smith appears to me to be attributing more significance to Euler's formula than is warranted. Read more: RUPERT SHELDRAKE AND DOGMATISM IN MAINSTREAM SCIENCE - ROLF SATTLER I want to discuss some of the dogmas that are holding science back. The majority of scientists would not agree that this is actually the case. They cannot see the dogmas, or if they can see them, they don't think that these dogmas (that they prefer to call assumptions) are holding science back. The reason why many scientists fail to see the dogmas or take them for granted is because during their education they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed. This is not their fault. It is the fault of the educational system at all levels from kindergarten to university. The dogmas Sheldrake refers to such as materialism and mechanism are usually not presented as assumptions, but are taken for granted and implied in whatever is presented. Read more: INTEGRAL SHADOWS - GIORGIO PIACENZA From living in a semi former colonial, semi Western, modern-yet-traditional society, I think that the excessive emphasis upon stages found in this discussion is still part of a very pre integral, Eurocentric, American individualist spiritual mindset. For most people the stages are not so well defined here in Latin America, although we also indeed have more defined red and mythic segments of the population. Here the situation is more adaptive; with less clear cut monolithic traditions for a U.S. American style culture warfare to take place. I would say that here, generally speaking approximations to ways of being are accepted more readily. They are more blended. Read more: To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UNSUBSCRIBE, update your account by logging in. For explanation, see: