Van: "Integral World" Aan: Onderwerp: Remembering 9/11 Datum: woensdag 10 september 2014 17:54 INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 521 Amsterdam, September 10th, 2014 THE TRUTH, BEAUTY, GOODNESS, AND JUSTICE OF 9/11 - Joe Corbett If Truth be told, over 3000 people were horrifically murdered in an attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The Project for a New American Century now had its Pearl Harbor attack on America to justify an invasion of Iraq and a sweeping transformation of the entire Middle East in American interests, or so it was thought by the radical conservatives who concocted and conspired such a plan years before the planes were hijacked. With the subsequent military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the incursions into Pakistan and elsewhere, the next ten years would see more than 8 thousand American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of combined deaths among Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistani's and others, many thousands being innocent civilians. One can only imagine if the death of thousands of children was seen by American leaders as the necessary trade-off to avenge the lives lost on 9/11. Read more: To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To UNSUBSCRIBE, update your account by logging in. For explanation, see: