INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 561 Amsterdam, May 4th, 2015 TRANSCENDENTAL SOCIOLOGY - Ken Wilber's Critical Model of Religion - DAVID LANE Are all religions qualitatively the same? Is there a fundamental difference between groups like Paramahansa Yogananda's Self-Realization Fellowship and L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology or Kirpal Singh's Ruhani Satsang and Reverend Moon's Unification Church? Yes, there most certainly is, according to Integral thinker Ken Wilber precisely because not all religious movements have the same spiritual goals, teachings and techniques. Simply put, the new religions are social reflections of man's own ontogentic growth. Read more: A CRITIQUE OF KEN WILBER AND HIS INTEGRAL METHOD - MORTEN TOLBOLL Prejudice, as Wilber´s classification-system ends up in justifying, is a belief held without good reason or consideration of the evidence for or against its being true. Philosophy - that is: rationality and critical thinking – is opposed to prejudice. And true spirituality is philosophy. We are all riddled with prejudices on a wide range of issues, but it is possible to eliminate some of them by making an effort to examine evidence and arguments on both sides of any question. Human reason is fallible, and most of us are strongly motivated to cling on to some beliefs even in the teeth of evidence against them (for instance wishful thinking); however, even making small inroads into prejudice can transform the world for the better. Read more: