INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 651 Amsterdam, April 12th, 2017 THE GREAT WISDOM TRADITION'S DIVINE LIBRARY - BRAD REYNOLDS Gaining access to the storehouse of knowledge provided by traditional cultures in their observance of human growth, accumulated from millennia of history, is an important guide to future human maturity, even in the modern world. In other words, we can’t entirely divorce ourselves from our mythic heritage, even if we must transcend and integrate it. In this case, mythic (and magical) thinking needs to adequately evolve into mysticism; religious beliefs evolve into spiritual experience, rational thinking into ecstatic self-transcendence. Our knowledge quest today, therefore, is about integrating these wisdom treasures from all sources and cultures, for altogether they are our collective inheritance of One “Great Tradition” of Humanity bequeathed to all of us from our wisest ancestors, regardless of our born cultural heritage. Yet, even then, the Enlightened Sages should always be the ones pointing the way to our further growth, not just religious leaders or mythic believers, and certainly not science and technology alone. Read more: