INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 790 Amsterdam, August 5th, 2019 COSMIC MYOPIA - A Critique of Ken Wilber's Anthropocentric Understanding of the Universe - DAVID LANE Wilber appears to have a pattern of cutting off the most pregnant of criticisms before allowing them to give birth, lest it upends his own cosmological schema. But in so doing he contradicts his previous claims that his Eros theory dovetails with modern science when he writes, “One of the most boring criticisms I have received over the years is that my theory doesn't fit the modern theory of evolution. And that's right! The modern theory of evolution is catastrophically incomplete!” But it isn't “boring” criticism if the Integral model you are championing in every book “doesn't' fit the modern theory of evolution.” In fact, it is the complete opposite since it is a clarion call for Wilber and his associates to up their game and develop a scientifically rigorous protocol that shows precisely where our current evolutionary studies fail. Read more: THE ROOT OF THE POWER LAW RELIGION - EDWARD BERGE A 'power law' refers specifically to a statistical relationship between quantities, such that a change in one quantity has a proportional change in another. One property of this law is scale invariance, otherwise known as 'scale-free,' meaning the same proportion repeats at every scale in a self-similar pattern. Mathematical fractals are an example of such a power law. Power laws are taken as universal and have been applied to any and all phenomena to prove the universality of this law. Read more: