INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 793 Amsterdam, September 4th, 2019 SOGYAL RINPOCHE AND THE COLLAPSE OF TIBETAN BUDDHISM - FRANK VISSER On 28 August 2019 the famous Tibetan lama Sogyal Rinpoche died, or as the saying goes in these circles "entered into parinirvana".[1] This event has not gone unnoticed. As the New York Times wrote a few days later: "Sogyal Rinpoche, a charismatic Tibetan Buddhist teacher and best-selling author who abruptly retired after several of his students accused him of multiple acts of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, died on Aug. 28 in a hospital in Thailand. He was in his early 70s" (New York Times, Sept. 1st, 2019).[2] Does that ring a temple bell with you? The #Me Too era has definitely dawned on the world of Eastern-inspired spirituality in the West. We see a clear pattern here within guru movements of widespread and long term abuse—sexual (or sexist), emotional, physical and financial—and at the same time a revolt within these movements, often of senior disciples, against this dysfunctional behavior. It has often been said—most notably by Ken Wilber—that Western culture doesn't really understand guru spirituality. But it can equally be said that Western culture has exposed, at least the most obnoxious aspects of its shadow side. Under the idealized language of enlightenment, self-realization and pure mind, something definitely stinks here. And without exception, those who point this out are accused of betraying the guru or his whole tradition, risking to lose their chances of enlightenment, or to use a favorite Tibetan example, be sure to go to a special place called Vajra hell. Read more: