INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 803 Amsterdam, October 30th, 2019 THE SKEPTICAL YOGI - Yogananda's Autobiography Under a Critical Microscope - INTRODUCTION - DAVID LANE I first read Yogananda's, justly famous, Autobiography of a Yogi, when I was just eleven years old. In those days (circa 1967) I was a great fan of baseball, particularly the Dodgers, and when I first spotted the book at my local North Hollywood Public library I thought it must be about Yogi Berra, the famous catcher for the New York Yankees, so I naturally picked it up for a closer reading. However, after I got home I soon realized my mistake. It was rather about an Indian mystic who had come to America in 1920 to share his views on spirituality and what he had learned from his associations with various saints and sages, particularly his own guru Sri Yukestwar of Serampore. Read more: RETHINKING THE 'INTEROBJECTIVE' QUADRANT - Aristotle's views applied to refine the interobjective dimension of the Integral Theory - JOSEP GALLIFA Wilber's Integral Theory is a framework, widely used in different fields, aimed at unifying the premodern, modern and postmodern legacies and worldviews in one system. The subjective, objective and intersubjective dimensions of the Integral Theory correspond respectively to each one of the mentioned worldviews. This article reviews and explores in depth the interobjective dimension, necessary for a truly quaternary integral approach, which has to include appropriately the human work and creativity. This is achieved through understanding the interobjective character of the tekhne logic. tekhne is the Aristotelian word to designate 'productive science'. The study discusses the foundation of the interobjective at different levels (ontological, anthropological, cultural and psychological) and describes the evolutionary character of the tekhne logic. Finally, the article explores the relevance of this characterization to the Integral Theory; but also to Metaphysics, Epistemology and especially to Education. Read more: