INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 866 Amsterdam, June 21th, 2020 WHERE CHOPRA DOES A BETTER JOB THAN WILBER - Comments on "War of the Worldviews" - FRANK VISSER During a conference called "Does God Have a Future?: The Great Debate", held at the California Institute of Technology in 2010, the panellists were, on the side of science, Sam Harris and Michael Shermer, and on the side of spirituality: Jean Houston and Deepak Chopra. As the YouTube description of the video reads: "Chopra and Houston contend that the universe is proof that intelligence is at the heart of creation and that a person needs to look beyond what can be seen and touched, while Shermer and Harris argue science and biology can explain what is happening to people when they pray, meditate and believe in God and that evolution can explain why our beliefs developed." Read more: