INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 875 Amsterdam, July 14th, 2020 THE DEADLY DUO - Part 4: On the Lesser of Two Evils Regarding Biden and Trump - ELLIOT BENJAMIN And here I am—actually writing my "Deadly Duo: Part 4" essay, thanks to Joseph. In one of my earlier comments to Joseph on his essay, I ventured to guess that he had been a Bernie Sanders supporter (which Joseph did not subsequently voice any disagreement with) and I conveyed that a number of Sanders supporters would vote third party, but that I agreed with Bernie himself about this being counterproductive to the urgency of stopping Trump from getting reelected. I don't believe that Biden is “evil,” but for the sake of argument, even if we were to assume this is the case, the difference between electing Biden and reelecting Trump is in my opinion as stark as what we are currently witnessing with the mounting infections and deaths in the United States from the coronavirus. So I am going to first focus here upon what the United States is currently going through regarding the coronavirus with President Trump as our leader, as a continuation of my deadly duo theme. Read more: