INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 890 Amsterdam, September 8th, 2020 THE CORONA CONSPIRACY - Part 16: What's Up With These "Koch's Postulates"? - FRANK VISSER Two of the most frequent claims made by virus denialists have been: "the PCR test doesn't test for a virus, but for human genetic material" (Icke) and "the classic Koch's Postulates have not been met for this virus" (Kaufman). This makes sense for them, because if there is no virus at all, what else can a test do than match some genetic sequence of our own? And if there's no virus at all, there's no viral disease and no way of proving that a virus causes the disease, in our case Covid-19. We will tackle both claims in this article. Read more: WHY HUMANITY REMAINS LOCKED IN A MID-PREPERSONAL LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT - Part I: Why We Do Not Recognize that Our Development is Fixated - JOSEPH DILLARD Is man “a little lower than the angels,” as Paul put it in Hebrews 2.7, or are we merely “apes with big brains” as Richard Dawkins believes? Or, as Steven Pinker proposes, is man both, comprised of a nature that pulls him both toward the sky as well as into subjective oneness with an amoral world? While the spectacular creativity and adaptability of humanity compels us to focus on our almost infinite ability to reinvent ourselves, history is strewn with the wreckage of both individual lives and empires that underestimated their own capacity for self-destruction Read more: