INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 897 Amsterdam, September 28th, 2020 IS INTEGRAL SPIRITUAL? - JOSEPH DILLARD If there is any word that is fundamental to the writings of Ken Wilber and Integral AQAL it is “spirit” and its variations. Can one not use it and still be integral? It is indeed strange to consider that a word synonymous with enlightenment would itself not be conducive to it, but there are good reasons to conclude that this is indeed the case. Read more: A NEW SCIENTIFIC VISION - Part 2: The Hidden Holistic Dimension of Science - PETER COLLINS Some years ago John Horgan, the well known science correspondent, wrote a controversial book “The End of Science”. It consisted of fascinating interviews with leading representatives of a number of different scientific fields, Philosophy, Cosmology, Evolutionary Biology, Social Science, Neuroscience, Chaoplexity and Machine Science. For example in relation to Evolutionary Biology, he interviewed Richard Dawkins, Stephen Jay Gould, Lynn Margulis, Stuart Kauffman and Stanley Miller. Read more: