INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.082 Amsterdam, July 4, 2023 THE POWER OF SELF-ORGANIZATION - Unveiling Nature's Hidden Order - FRANK VISSER Stuart Kauffman is a renowned theoretical biologist and complex systems researcher whose work has significantly influenced various fields of science. This essay explores the relevance of Kauffman's work and its reception in the scientific community. It begins by providing an overview of Kauffman's background and key contributions. Subsequently, it delves into the impact of his research in different areas, including the origins of life, complexity theory, and evolutionary dynamics. Furthermore, it examines the reception of Kauffman's ideas within the scientific community, highlighting both praise and criticism. Ultimately, this essay underscores the lasting relevance of Kauffman's work and its transformative influence on scientific thinking. Read more: COULD THIS WORK IF TRUMP WERE PRESIDENT? - Trump's Statement Advocating for Diplomatic Negotiations for Peace to End the Russia/Ukraine War - ELLIOT BENJAMIN I have frequently written about my concerns that I have referred as the possible debacle of nuclear war stemming from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, massive irreversible climate destruction, and the threat to democracy in the United States. In a number of essays I have advocated for a “balanced” approach to the Russia/Ukraine war, continuing to support Ukraine while making a much more concerted effort to engage in negotiations for peace. My position is consistent with that of 2024 Democratic presidential candidates Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. However, what is very difficult for me to assimilate is that my position on the Russia/Ukraine war also appears to be consistent with the position of Donald Trump. Read more: