INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.085 Amsterdam, July 8, 2023 USING CHATGPT TO EXPLORE THE PARANORMAL - JOSEPH DILLARD / CHATGPT What are some of the most impressive examples of clairvoyance, precognition, or other psychic ability that science and psychology have the most difficulty accounting for with “naturalistic” explanations? There have been numerous anecdotal accounts and studies exploring phenomena that challenge conventional scientific explanations. While these examples may be intriguing, it is important to note that the scientific community typically requires rigorous, replicable evidence to establish the validity of any extraordinary claims. Here are a few examples of phenomena that have posed challenges to scientific explanation: Read more: ALEKSANDR DUGIN AND HIS INFLUENCE ON RUSSIA'S FOREIGN POLICY - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT Aleksandr Dugin, a prominent Russian political theorist and geopolitical strategist, has played a significant role in shaping Russia's foreign policy discourse. Known for his controversial ideas and the development of Eurasianism, Dugin's influence on Russia's foreign policy has been a subject of debate and scrutiny. This essay aims to examine Dugin's ideas and their impact on Russia's foreign policy during the past decades. Read more: