INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.091 Amsterdam, July 16, 2023 CRITIQUING COLONIZATION, REJECTING ANTI-SEMITISM - Critiquing Colonization, Rejecting Anti-Semitism, Balancing Legitimate Criticism of Israel's Policy of Colonization with the Rejection of Anti-Semitism - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT Legitimate criticism of Israel's policy of colonization stems from concerns regarding the impact on the rights and well-being of Palestinians living in the occupied territories. Such criticism focuses on the expansion of Israeli settlements, the construction of the separation wall, and the displacement of Palestinian communities. Legitimate criticism should be based on international law, human rights principles, and the pursuit of a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Read more: CONSTRUCTOR THEORY AND INTEGRAL THEORY - In 3 parts, with an Afterword - JOE CORBETT / CHATGPT Constructor Theory, proposed by David Deutsch and Chiara Marletto, serves as a novel framework to comprehend the fundamental laws of physics. Unlike traditional theories that focus on describing what processes can occur, Constructor Theory shifts the perspective to explaining the limits and possibilities of what can be constructed. This essay aims to explore the main premises of Constructor Theory, its operations and transformations, and provide examples to illustrate its potential applications. Read more: