INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.104 Amsterdam, August 14, 2023 BEING INTEGRAL - Integral-Centaurs in Vision-Logic, Part 1 - BRAD REYNOLDS In this essay (based on a recent Keynote presentation), I want to review the wisdom gathered from some of our past Integral Pioneers, many who strongly influenced the theories of Ken Wilber, in order to get a fuller understanding of what being Integral is about. To start, let's begin with one of America's folk heroes, Mark Twain, who highlighted a main principle of being integral when he said: “It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you [think you] know for sure that just ain't so.” In other words, people are only partially correct, although they tend to think they're always correct. Being Integral is to unite and embrace all of those differing worldviews to create an Integral Vision of reality where everybody is “correct but partial,” for as Ken has noted, “everybody is right since nobody is 100% wrong.” Read more: