INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.109 Amsterdam, August 31, 2023 TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY - A New Dawn (Part 1 of 2) - JOHN ABRAMSON Arising within the dynamic backdrop of the transformative 1960s, Transpersonal Psychology emerging during the latter part of this period. Unveiled as a paradigm that embraces the transcendent dimensions of human existence, it harmonized with the spirit of this dynamic period—a time marked by hope and the anticipation of a post-World War movement aimed at improving society. In many respects, transpersonal psychology's development advanced at pace but its quest for legitimacy within the academic realm was marred by scepticism from established quarters. It lacked an effective strategy to address this scepticism as illustrated by an emblematic voice in transpersonal psychology, Charles Tart: “… in February, 2004, I presented a lecture with the deliberately provocative title, Flakey California nonsense in a scientific age? Is there any scientific support for transpersonal psychology?” (Tart, 2004) Read more: