INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.111 Amsterdam, September 3, 2023 RUSSIAN COLONIALISM AND ITS JUSTIFYING IDEOLOGIES - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT-4 Russian colonialism, spanning several centuries, played a significant role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of Eurasia. Rooted in the desire for territorial expansion and the establishment of a multi-ethnic empire, Russia's colonial ventures were often justified through a complex interplay of religious, geopolitical, and civilizational ideologies. Russian colonialism, like other forms of colonialism, was a complex interplay of power dynamics, economic interests, and cultural impositions. The ideologies that justified this expansion often evolved in response to changing geopolitical realities and internal needs. While Russia's colonial narrative had its unique characteristics rooted in its history and cultural context, it also shared similarities with justifications put forth by other colonial powers. Understanding these ideologies is crucial for a nuanced grasp of Russia's interactions with its neighbors and the legacies of its imperial past. Read more: