INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.121 Amsterdam, September 25, 2023 GUIDELINES ON DEALING WITH CONTRARIAN OPINIONS WITHIN THE INTEGRAL COMMUNITY - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT-4 The integral community, founded on the principles of holistic understanding and the integration of diverse perspectives, is uniquely positioned to handle contrarian opinions. Here are some guidelines to facilitate constructive engagement. 1. Embrace the Four Quadrants: 2. Practice Deep Listening: 3. Avoid Labeling or Stereotyping: 4. Seek the 'Grain of Truth': 5. Ask Clarifying Questions: 6. Express Your Perspective with "I" Statements: 7. Prioritize the Integral Spirit: 8. Stay Humble: 9. Promote a Safe Environment: 10. Encourage Diverse Participation: 12. Remember the Common Goal: Read more: