INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.131 Amsterdam, October 12, 2023 LETTER TO A YOUNG FRIEND ABOUT MIDDLE EAST VIOLENCE - JOSEPH DILLARD So that is my answer to the existential dilemma of what to do about the evil latent in all of us: Be constantly aware and vigilant regarding its existence; don't underestimate it. However, don't allow that awareness to generate guilt, shame, or nihilism, because such responses are not healthy or conducive to negentropy, although they may indeed be adaptive in the short run - as all addictions are. Life has an inborn tendency, even necessity toward growth, development, and adaptation. Therefore, it is not unjustifiable optimism or woo to bet on the innate decency of humans and humanity to win out over the innate evil in all of us. Read more: