INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.134 Amsterdam, October 27, 2023 WAR PROPAGANDA TACTICS - Anna Morelli's Ten Principles of War Propaganda - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT-3.5 - We don't want war, we are only defending ourselves! - Our adversary is solely responsible for this war! - Our adversary's leader is inherently evil and resembles the devil. - We are defending a noble cause, not our particular interests! The principles you've outlined appear to be a summary of some common tactics often used in war propaganda. These tactics are not universally applicable, but they have been employed by various parties in different conflicts throughout history. War propaganda is typically designed to manipulate public opinion and justify a country's involvement in a war. It often involves framing the conflict in a way that portrays one's own side as righteous and the enemy as evil or responsible for the conflict. Let's briefly discuss each of these principles. Read more: