INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.138 Amsterdam, November 1, 2023 THE REALIST VIEW OF GEOPOLITICS - Assessing the Criticisms and Implications - FRANK VISSER / CHATGPT-3.5 The realist school of thought in international relations posits that states are primarily driven by self-interest and the pursuit of power in a world marked by anarchy. Prominent realist scholar John Mearsheimer has recently offered a controversial interpretation of two ongoing conflicts: the Russo-Ukraine war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mearsheimer argues that the United States' strong alliances with Ukraine and Israel have played a role in provoking these conflicts and that they lack foreseeable solutions. Moreover, he contends that these engagements divert U.S. attention from its primary security concern: China. This essay will explore Mearsheimer's realist perspective on these issues, examine the criticisms it has received, and assess the implications for U.S. foreign policy. Read more: