INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.165 Amsterdam, February 22, 2024 THE FREEWHEELIN' KEN WILBER - Another Interview by Raquel Torrent - FRANK VISSER Spanish integral therapist Raquel Torrent released another long interview with Ken Wilber on her YouTube channel. It is the fifth interview of such kind in a row, as far as I can tell. Earlier interviews were done by her in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (twice). This is a great service, for we are kept up to date with Ken's thinking and personal situation.[1] Raquel asked the following 10 questions, which she had gathered through Facebook from integral students: Do you know about the system of Austrian economics? Are we experiencing a regression of democratic values? Is Trump orange or turquoise? What is the philosphical mistake about the Ukraine war? Why don't you present yourself as an integral leader? If evolution is not a metaphysical force, then what? Do you have a nuanced response to the Gaza crisis? What is your current understanding of the psychic stage? Why do you still keep wearing that wig? How is your new book Finding Radical Wholeness different? Read more: