INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.183 Amsterdam, April 24, 2024 CAN INTEGRAL THEORY ACCOUNT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION? - WILLIAM KELLY Integral theory in the hands of Ken Wilber and those who have followed in his footsteps offers a big-picture view of world history, providing an intellectual framework for situating the major conflicts we face today. According to Wilber, these present-day conflicts are mostly the result of collisions between three different worldviews: mythic/traditional, rational/scientific, and postmodern/pluralist. Such threats to social peace and harmony are evident not only within the United States, what Wilber refers to as the “culture wars,” but also on a worldwide scale. Here, I am going to focus my evaluation of integral theory to the global dimension, and, in particular, on whether integral theory can incorporate the arc of modern Islamic history within its conceptual framework. Read more: