Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
The dirty secrets behind the new Paris Climate Conference (COP21) agreement they don't want you to knowLawrence Wollersheim![]() Strong, smart adults do not want to be fed false hopes, false targets or false facts. They want to know the way things really are so that they can adapt to or effectively manage what actually is there. If you would like to quickly cut through the Paris Climate Conference media spin as well as other greenwashing from the poorly informed concerning the Paris agreement and results, keep reading... The big Paris results in a nutshell
The really bad news about the Paris Climate Conference results
Big winners at the Paris ConferenceThe fossil fuel industry. They now have many additional decades to get the rest of their fossil fuels out of the ground and priced so low that switching over to green energy generation will be cost prohibitive and delayed for most of the developing world. Big losers at the Paris Conference:You, your family, a stable future and the future of humanity itself. At our peril, the results from the Paris Climate Conference's fake success and progress are now becoming the soon to be popularly accepted false global warming targets and the equally false hopes of the masses. Most individuals and societies unsophisticated in climate science will be lured into uncritically accepting the dangerous false security notion that the Paris Climate Conference results will actually save us and there is actually some responsible adult at the global and national "steering wheel" driving the rapidly accelerating vehicle of escalating global warming away from the climate cliff of irreversible global warming and extinction-level climate destabilization. These Paris Conference false hopes and targets thus also create a false and dangerous sense of public safety. By doing so they have taken away the most important thing that is needed to deal with the global warming emergency and the massive resource mobilization that also needs to take place. What has been stolen from us by the Paris Climate Conference failure is the appropriate fear and sense of urgency about escalating global warming within the critical masses of the population of every nation. What should have happened at the Paris ConferenceThe delegates should have:
In conclusionFailing to face the facts in any situation might temporarily delay the pain and suffering, but this failure to face things as they are will eventually only make the pain worse and make it last longer. Make no mistake about this. There will be great pain in resolving this global warming emergency. It will require radical, costly changes and difficult suffering and sacrifice for most of humanity in order to save humanity and future generations. As strong, smart adults it is time to become honest with ourselves and each other about what is ahead and what is necessary to resolve this global emergency. Unfortunately, there are many well-intended individuals within the global warming education movement who will try to spin the Paris Conference as progress or add some other incremental positive spin. There are also those within the movement who believe that even an unworkable or false hope is far better and more motivating than having an extremely slim hope to sell to their members. Continuing to act on or spread these false or unrealistic hopes and beliefs does a great disservice to the future of the planet and humanity. We are in a global warming State of Emergency. It is time to get real. It is not global warming "progress" by any definition or measure when you are aiming at avoiding the wrong target and destination or using a vague or nonexistent plan that will, in truth, not keep you from going over the climate cliff before it's too late. No matter how you spin it, the Paris Climate Conference was false progress that is disguising the actual urgency of what really is needed to be done. We are not safe! We are not secure! What happened at Paris was not progress toward the correct goal in time to save us. The greatest single disservice the Paris Climate Conference has done is that it has acted to keep us asleep to the real urgency of the time-critical global warming dangers that we need to face--while ironically acting like it is waking us up to them (but only to a watered down, impotent version of those dangers.) Because of this disservice and the delays it will certainly cause in adopting real global warming targets and solutions, almost all of us will eventually suffer, and many of us or our descendants will die--because too few of us were willing to say the Paris Climate Conference was, to borrow from the noted fable, an emperor with no clothes. What to do nextStep One: We have a slim chance via a difficult road in front of us to get to carbon neutral by 2026 and hopefully not cross any critical climate tipping points before then. If you want to be part of the solution and help organize the greatest global mobilization of humanity's resources in human history, learn more about the Job One For Humanity Climate Restabilization Plan. Step Two: Start preparing backup climate emergency recovery supplies for you and your family for escalating global warming and climate destabilization catastrophes that, because of the Paris Climate Conference failure, will increase in scale, frequency and severity. Step Three: If you're under 50, consider how you can develop an emergency migration plan to get into the northern-most countries before they close their borders to the masses of new "climagees," like Europe is now closing its borders to the massive Middle Eastern refugee migration. Emulate the global warming well-informed and ultra-wealthy. They are already buying northern lands and setting up escape compounds so they, their families and their massive assets will be safe and won't get caught in the escalating emergency. Other helpful informationFor more information on the false targets, misdirection and incorrect facts presented to the Paris delegates, please click here.This article also goes into the critical climate tipping points that we are ignoring at our peril. Please note: our organization Job One For Humanity anticipated the Paris Climate Conference failure. In light of not knowing the full scope of that failure until just recently, we are now rapidly updating our Job One For Humanity Climate Restabilization Plan to help compensate for what the Paris Climate Conference failed to do. |