From: Integral World [] Sent: zondag 5 november 2006 16:05 To: Subject: [personal] Beyond My Ken? (test) INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST =========================== Newsletter Nr. 170 Amsterdam, November 6, 2006 WILBER WATCH BLOG: "SIMPLY TOO MUCH..." "BEYOND MY KEN?" PERSONAL PONDERINGS ON A PHILOSPHER PROFOUND - Jordan Gruber Jordan Gruber, CEO of, gave his personal views on the Wyatt Earp Episode: "Recently, a confluence of troubling news concerning Ken has come together. On the one hand, there is Ken's physical condition. As is well-known, Ken has an auto-immune disease that he has termed REDD, but the pictures that Ken released of his fall a few months ago, and the bruising that resulted, were fairly horrifying. Also, the reports that Ken frequently can't get up by himself, can't use his arms, has flu-like syptoms far worse than any normal flu, and so forth, can only be deemed sad and disturbing. On the other hand, even worse than Ken's physical condition is the diminishing status of his reputation . Recently, he has embroiled himself in some highly distasteful attacks and counter-attacks on his critics, including what can only be described as an ad hominem or personal attack on Frank Visser, who runs and who has long promoted interest in Ken's writings. Ken has used foul language completely unbefitting a thinker and spiritual celebrity of his stature, and all attempts to excuse him as having consciously been a "rude boy" or by espousing "crazy wisdom" fall flat and ring hollow." Read more: OBSERVATIONS ON KEN WILBER'S JUNE 8TH RANT - Chris Cowan Only recently I discovered Chris Cowan's response to Wilber's attack on his critics. I have linked to it from the bottom of our Criticism page, under 2006: "Let us begin by saying that we are not Ken Wilber critics, despite being charged as such (a.k.a. “Cowan and friend”) by him in a recent piece on his R-rated blog. Honestly, we do not pay close enough attention to Ken Wilber’s world to qualify as critics of his renditions of others’ work, of his assimilations, of his original ideas, or of the doings inside his Integral Institute. Our interest in most of that is slight, so regular substantive criticism would be nearly impossible without wading through more of his voluminous musings than we really care to. However, we do pay attention to Spiral Dynamics® and how it is being represented and misrepresented, and we care deeply that the work of Dr. Clare Graves in which we specialize is treated honestly and accurately, whether that means praise or constructive fault-finding to improve it. So when Mr. Wilber steps into our area of expertise to expound or to stomp around on our business, he can expect comment on what he says about SD if it is misleading, just as we would if we ventured to produce elaborations and revisions which undermined his work or if we sought to take it over as our own by writing him out. " Read more: For a more humorous response to Wilber, reflecting his style and fictional character see: OF PANDITS AND BANDITS: A MEANDERING RIDE IN KEN WILBER'S WILD WEST - Chris Cowan "Pardner, we don’t have a clue who or what triggered this strange display of horsiness on Ken’s part – we’re way out of their Integral loop and don't follow his trail, though we cross it now and then. Sure looks to us like he’s done a danged good job of shootin' himself in the foot with this High Noon demonstration of buck-naked petulance, though. The leader o' the Integral Institute's pack is callin’ out critics like an over-stimulated pistolero hankerin’ for a show-down at the I’m OK, You’re Not-OK Corral. "Toss one more criticism up in the air - I dare you - so I can shoot a hole through it with footnotes," yelled the not-so-peaceful warrior. More in line with Kenny-the-Kid behavior or a poor man's Blazing Saddles than a pandit or polemicist." Read more: Further additions to the Reading Room: 10/31/06: The essay "My Conception of Integral" by Elliot Benjamin has been added to the Reading Room. If you know other people interested in this IW Newsletter, please forward this mail to them. Thanks. To SUBSCRIBE to this Integral World Newsletter or change your email address, click here: To go to the Newsletter Archive, click here: To UNSUBSCRIBE from this Integral World Newsletter, click here: ======================================== Frank Visser, Waterpoortweg 279, 1051 pv, Amsterdam Author of: Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion SUNY 2003 Read all about Ken Wilber : ========================================