INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 646 Amsterdam, March 3rd, 2017 STAGES OF COMPREHENSION - Distinction Internal and External - JAKOB POSSERT All too often we are hasty in our conviction to have comprehended something. Let’s imagine a conversation in which one person is trying to convey a deep emotion or a profound understanding. Although upon asking whether the other person got it, he or she insists that they comprehend what the other person means to say, in the course of the conversation it becomes clear that this is actually not the case. What the following paragraphs want to show is that it might well be that the listener sincerely comprehended whatever has been laid out – however only to a degree. Thus I would argue there are different shades of comprehension. These might be analyzed and maybe summarized in the meaningful categories which are discussed in this post. Read more: A MANDALIC APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT - Part 2: Releasing Contraction - JIM O'CONNOR In a previous essay ["A Mandalic Approach to Development — Part 1: The Structure of the Psyche",1] I highlighted several problems with Wilber's model of the individual psyche, many of which had already been noted by other writers in the field[2]. In this paper I would like to discuss a few further thoughts on this mandala model and to draw out more of its implications for individual development. To repeat the caveat I gave in the first essay, not being an academic I am not able to bring the same degree of rigour to the discussion as other contributors here. But having said this, I still believe that putting forward this alternative view of development has some value despite my limitations as a writer, even if for not other reason than it may prompt more competent members of the field to begin exploring the general approach. Read more: