INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 670 Amsterdam, August 13th, 2017 AN OPEN-LETTER FROM KEN WILBER? - JOE CORBETT "I know that some of you have been unhappy about the absence of my presence on issues of Justice in the LR quadrant. But let me assure you that if you saw things from a higher perspective you wouldn't think this way. I am just so over the whole “justice” thing, I have completely transcended it; in fact, the LR quadrant doesn't even have an archetypal virtue in my AQAL, and now I only need to make token mentions of it in my remarks about the pathology of Green. You should try it sometime, it's as easy as counting 3-2-1, it really does make you feel better, like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. And anyway, the Idea of Justice is really just a hang-over from the same old tired leftist days of “socialist revolution” and other fixations of the 60s. I mean, really, just grow up." Read more: