INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 736 Amsterdam, October 12th, 2018 THE NEURAL SEDUCTION - Looking for the Meta Narrative of Our Lives - Understanding The Difference Between A Darwinian Experiment And A Wilberian Conclusion - DAVID CHRISTOPHER LANE AND ANDREA DIEM-LANE What drives our desire for the meta-narrative or our acceptance of Wilberian conclusions is perhaps more interesting and instructive than we at first realize. I suggest it reveals more about our own evolutionary past and present than about the spiritual liberation that awaits us in some future time. Yes, it would be revelatory if as in Carl Sagan's novel, Contact, that in more comprehensively examining the number Pi we discover that there really is an intelligent intention beyond our cosmos. But we will not unlock that secret if we are premature in our theorizing and swallow speculations as laws. As meaning seeking creatures we are tempted to make certain and absolute that which is neither. We are neurologically seduced at each turn by intellectual magicians who trick us into thinking that they know more than we actually do. In our search for security we stop short our experiments and accept conclusions that are not properly inspected and thus are unwarranted. Read more: AQAL REVISED - Part 1: A critique of Wilber's Panpsychism - FEDERICO NICOLA PECCHINI To postulate the conscious observer as a premise for understanding the nature of reality doesn’t help to understand neither objective reality nor consciousness. It only mixes them up and makes it even harder to tell one from the other. Even when presented in scientific terms (as in the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Physics where an external, conscious observer is assumed to be the cause for the collapse of wave function), this view leads to a resurrection of the old Upanishad’s idea of consciousness pre-dating the universe. On a scientific level, such claims are premature at best and misleading and wrong at worst. On a moral and cultural level, they lead to solipsistic, nihilistic views about reality. It is essentially the big flaw of Eastern traditions—which resulted in static cultures suffering from a sort of cosmic fatigue. Neither new-age interpretations nor post-modern rationalizations of these old myths are today useful to humanity since they only reinforce our old biases. Read more: