INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 766 Amsterdam, March 28th, 2019 FROM HYDROGEN TO HUMANITY - Religion and Science Argue About What Really Happened in Between - FRANK VISSER Traditionally the ultimate question is: why is there something rather than nothing? Interesting as this may be, my interest is in the question that follows: how could this "something" grow into such a complex thing as a human being? We went from Hydrogen to humanity. What really happened in between? A religions view would say: there is mystery at every step; it is impossible to understand this sequence in a naturalistic sense. Contrary to this, a scientific view would say: let's break this long sequence up in smaller steps. Let's investigate and see how far we can come. Read more: HAWKING'S APPROACH TO A THEORY OF EVERYTHING - And the Folly of Scientism - GARY STOGSDILL Stephen Hawking was nothing if not inspiring. Diagnosed with motor neuron disease at the age of 21, he somehow managed to live 55 more years as one of the most insightful cosmologists throughout this entire time period. His iconic image—immobile in a wheelchair with a big boyish grin—and his ability to explain complex scientific ideas in down-to-earth language spiced with good-natured humor, endeared him to many millions. Born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death and deceased on the 139th anniversary of Einstein's birth, his life approached the greatness of those two luminaries of science through his pioneering work on black holes, his proof that our universe had a beginning, and his contributions toward a theory of everything. Read more: