INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 767 Amsterdam, April 12th, 2019 IS FRANK VISSER ‘ORANGE’? - An Interview with Frank Visser on Ken Wilber, Integral Theory and Science - by David Long - DAVID LONG David Long posed the following questions to me before this video-interview was produced. The answers were pre-recorded: What is your experience of the Integral Movement? (3:50) What would you like the Integral Movement to be or do in the world? (9:00) What would you say to people who call you "orange"[1] (12:30) What is your idea of spirituality like? (16:30) What are the main areas of criticism on the Integral World webpage? (27:50) Can you make a brief list of where Wilber gets science wrong? (32:30) Why does it matter to you, why does it concern you? (35:00) How do we move Integral forward, what do you see as the future of Integral? (36:40) Read more: