INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 791 Amsterdam, August 18th, 2019 LOOKING CLOSER AT ILYA PRIGOGINE - And At How Ken Wilber Co-Opts His Work For His Own Agenda - FRANK VISSER Some recent Facebook postings in the Integral Global group prompted me to have a closer look at the work of Ilya Romanovich Prigogine, "a physical chemist and Nobel laureate noted for his work on dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility."[2] Wilber frequently refers to his work—without quoting him—and especially to the title of his popular book, co-written with Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos.[3] The basic idea, according to Wilber, is that if even dead matter shows signs of being life-like, under certain conditions, than the drive towards self-organization and self-transcendence is present everywhere in nature. But how does order actually emerge out of chaos? Mysteriously? Magically? Transcendentally? Or following physico-chemical laws? What does Prigogine actually say about this? And does it provide support for Wilber's views of evolution—or rather the opposite: does it refute the need for a quasi-spiritual Eros-in-the-Kosmos? Read more: FOUR LEVELS OF THE INFORMATIONAL STOREHOUSE - in the Self-Organizing Dynamical System of the Kosmos - JOE CORBETT How molecular information is organized within and between the cells of an organism is the holy grail of biological science. It constitutes the hidden architecture of living systems that goes beyond the genetic code and the mechanics of protein formation. It constitutes the very processes of life itself such that when we die all it really is is the disruption and halting of these informational patterns-in-process. One might say that these informational patterns and processes, whatever they are, contain the great Mystery of life itself, as they include but go beyond known physiological processes, deep into the molecular organization within and between cells, and are as yet unknown to science. Read more: DECOUPLING OF SENSATION, EMOTION AND THOUGHT FROM CONSCIOUSNESS - Harari's view about consciousness - MITSURU MASUDA By the way, the most impressive topic for me in Homo Deus is the decoupling of intelligence from consciousness. Here's Harari's thought. If unconscious AI can advance intelligences which is being considered only conscious humans can have, then the consciousness and intelligence would be dealt separately. I thought that the topic could be developed into the idea of decoupling of sensation, emotion, and thought from consciousness because I think that intelligence can be seen as a part of thought. So I've made the title of this article 'Decoupling of sensation, emotion and thought from consciousness'. Read more: