INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 815 Amsterdam, December 4th, 2019 AN “INTEGRATIVE” DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE IS NEEDED TO BEAT TRUMP - ELLIOT BENJAMIN I am glad that the Democrats in the U.S. House are now in the process of undertaking impeachment proceedings, but I am also concerned about the possible consequences. A number of Republicans, spearheaded by attorney general William Barr, are doing all in their power to try to invalidate the whole impeachment process and take the rhetorical emphasis away from impeachment and move it toward criminally investigating the “origins of the Mueller report”. Millions of dollars are being poured into marketing to reinforce the Republican obstruction of the impeachment process, and I think there is virtually no chance that Trump will be removed from office in the Senate. Read more: THE SKEPTICAL YOGI - Part Nine: Raising the Dead, The Immortal Babaji, and the Non-Eating Saint - DAVID LANE As we go deeper into the Autobiography we confront even more phenomenal marvels which put our critical antennas on red alert. Here we learn of how Lahiri Mahasaya brought back a dear friend of Sri Yukteswar back to life. “Sri Yukteswar went on to read the marvelous story of Lazarus' resurrection. At its conclusion Master fell into a long silence, the sacred book open on his knee. 'I too was privileged to behold a similar miracle.' My guru finally spoke with solemn unction. 'Lahiri Mahasaya resurrected one of my friends from the dead.' The young lads at my side smiled with keen interest. There was enough of the boy in me, too, to enjoy not only the philosophy but, in particular, any story I could get Sri Yukteswar to relate about his wondrous experiences with his guru. Read more: