INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 869 Amsterdam, June 30th, 2020 AN INTEGRAL UNDERSTANDING OF CONSPIRACY THEORIES - SAMUEL J. PETER Ever since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States we alledgedly live in a “post-truth world”. This conclusion was also drawn by the integral philosopher Ken Wilber, who interpreted the election of Trump as a manifestation of an “evolutionary self-correction”—a self-correction of todays leading worldview of postmodernity.[1] Emerging on the political world stage, Trump in many ways cast doubt on the consensus on values of the western world. The “post-truth” situation of our current time issues from a clash of worldviews which was intensified by Trump and which led to a blurring of the certainty of truths predominantly originating from the postmodern worldview since Word War II. The result is the eruption of an information war centering around questions of truth, lies, fake news and conspiracy. Read more: WHY DO WE SUFFER? - Theodicy and Integral AQAL - JOSEPH DILLARD Theodicy is essentially a religious concern, because religions involve deities, and some conception of the divine, the idea of God, divinity, or spirit stipulates something or someone who is responsible for goodness and for protecting us. When there is evil instead of good, suffering instead of happiness, and when we are left vulnerable and abused, what does that say about the idea of God? Here are the classical options: If God or spirit is good but not all powerful, then He is weak; If God is not good but powerful, then He is either evil or amoral; If God is not good and not powerful, then He is evil. Read more: