INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 909 Amsterdam, November 2nd, 2020 INTEGRAL CLOSET ETHNOCENTRISM - JOSEPH DILLARD In terms of the evolution of society out of ethnocentrism and toward worldcentrism, what censoring Galileo did to the Catholic Church is much more significant than what the Catholic Church did to Galileo. Christianity put itself in a position, by censoring Galileo, of placing an exceptionalist ethnocentric agenda - what is true and real for “us,” before a worldcentric agenda - what is real and true for “we,” all of us, without exception. Read more: THE INTEGRAL STRUCTURE OF SPACE-TIME EVOLUTION - JOE CORBETT A theory of quantum gravity, uniting the microscopic reality of particles and atoms with the macroscopic reality of stars and planets, is the physical equivalent of a theory of everything with which scientists hope to explain how the universe works. A leading approach to such a unified understanding of the small and the large sees space-time as constructed out of tiny pixelated qubits of spin-foam networks. Read more: