INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 944 Amsterdam, 9th, 2021 ON BURNING A NOTEBOOK - SCOTT F. PARKER I had been introduced to Wilber's writing a decade before when my father gave me a copy of A Brief History of Everything containing a nice inscription about the call of philosophy. I knew already that Wilber held a privileged place in my father's pantheon of thinkers, and since I ached for my father's love I soon recognized the same genius in Wilber that he did. Then—it took several years, but eventually it happened—I developed some reservations about Wilber's project. Read more: BRUCE ALDERMAN'S GRAMMATICAL PHILOSOPHEMES AS APPLIED TO DREAM SOCIOMETRY - JOSEPH DILLARD Dream Sociometry is an integral life practice and yoga based on the sociometric methodologies created by psychiatrist J. L. Moreno, creator of psychodrama and multiple experiential forms of psychotherapy. Dream Sociometry interviews multiple dream characters or elements in a waking circumstance, such as 9/11, or personal issues, such as cancer, a career change, or divorce (Dillard, 2005a). This work has since been elaborated into a broader transmutational practice called “Integral Deep Listening” (IDL) (Dillard, 2005b). Read more: