INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 945 Amsterdam, 16th, 2021 PROSPECTS FOR A POST-INTEGRAL SPECIES, RECONSIDERED - Or, Why the Old Third Tier is the New First Tier - JOE CORBETT In my previous essay I re-evaluated the tier classification of Spiral Dynamics and Integral Theory, and one of the conclusions I came to is that what IT calls third tier is actually fifth tier, and that pursuing such a “super-human” level of development would be pointless if we cannot first save ourselves and the planet by developing collectively to the level of an integrative civilization, and that such super-human development most likely involves an altogether different set of capacities simply not present in 99.99 percent of the human species. This essay will pick-up where that essay left off. Read more: WHY SECOND TIER IS FOURTH TIER, AND WHY THIRD TIER IS POINTLESS - JOE CORBETT In that case, imagining anything beyond fourth tier, i.e. fifth tier or what is currently imagined to be third tier, is like imagining what it would be like to be another species, without actually being capable of collectively becoming that species, and therefore it would be a fruitless if not a pointless exercise. It seems to me that it would be better if we concentrated on realizing our full human potential in the here and now instead of imagining a super-human species that most of us can never become. If we do not save ourselves first as we actually are, there will be no conditions left in which any future species can thrive to realize its potentials. Read more: