INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 947 Amsterdam, 24rd, 2021 ANDREW KAUFMAN AND THE "FAKE DELTA VARIANT" - The Corona Conspiracy, Part 31 - FRANK VISSER Virus denialist Andrew Kaufman recently released a new video, which can be found on several Bitchute accounts, but not (yet) on his own media channels, called "DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN ON THE FAKE DELTA VARIANT."[1] He tells his audience that he was asked about his opinion about the so-called Delta variant, and he took the opportunity to create a video giving some background and especially explaining "how sequencing is done in the first place". After all, he reminds us, all variant are the result of "what they call genome sequencing." Read more: REVISITING PERSPECTIVES - Part 5: Zoning in on Wilber's Perspectives and Methodologies - PETER COLLINS I have written repeatedly regarding what I see as a fundamental design flaw in Wilber's work i.e. its lack of a coherent dynamic perspective. And because this is not satisfactorily addressed by other commentators, I find it necessary to keep returning to this issue, which is central to so many of the problems that subsequently arise with his thinking. Put simply, Wilber fails to clearly distinguish the notion of differentiation in development (where dualistic distinctions necessarily occur) from the complementary notion of integration (where such distinctions are no longer strictly valid). Read more: