INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 983 Amsterdam, May 24th, 2022 SUBJUGATION OR SOVEREIGNTY? - That's the question for Ukraine - FRANK VISSER Over a dozen essays have been published on Integral World, related to the current Ukraine crisis. As can be expected, the opinions as to the causes for this problem and its possible solution vary, and can be characterized as either pro or contra the military support for Ukraine and the sanctioning of Russia. Whereas the majority in the West overwhelmingly approves of these disciplinary measures, some minority positions vehemently argue against them. Read more: THE SPIRITUAL CRUCIBLE - A Critical Guide to America's Religious/Cultic Renaissance - DAVID LANE Spiritual seekers are becoming critical of guru movements because many are being exposed for unethical and illegal practices. Seekers are not satisfied with the dogmatic perspectives which gurus frequently offer; critical intelligence is not, in fact, an obstacle to the soul's progress toward God and self-realization, but a beneficial and necessary step. A template of questions based on criteria suggested by both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions can help seekers judge contemporary gurus and movements. Read more: