INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 988 Amsterdam, June 4th, 2022 AQAL MUSINGS ON THE NATURE OF REALITY - A guided meditation toward a nondual science of the Kosmos - JOE CORBETT Below is a collection of musings on the nature of reality using the AQAL model framework created by Ken Wilber. These are, for the most part, unorthodox interpretations that Wilber does not necessarily agree with, although they are based on his original interpretation of the four quadrants. Where I begin to diverge with Wilber is by taking the notion of the Great Chain of Being, which plays a different role in his interpretation, and applying it literally to the four quadrant model, so that as far as Body and Mind are concerned I am in agreement with Wilber, but my conceptualization of Soul as corresponding to Culture and Spirit as corresponding to Society are not in agreement with Wilber. Read more: