INTEGRAL WORLD MAILING LIST Newsletter Nr. 1.000 Amsterdam, July 14th, 2022 ================ This is Integral World Newsletter number 1.0000! It took me 25 years to reach that number. Starting off in 1997 with a website of 5 pages, this now has grown to over 2000 web pages (not to mention how many printed pages that would be). Thanks to the spontaneous submission of essays from all over the world, we are still in business! ================ WESTERN GROUPTHINK IS PUTIN'S WEAPON - JOSEPH DILLARD The Wall Street Journal is the epitome of Western main stream media. For the Wall Street Journal to publish Hudson Institute Fellow Walter Russel Mead's article, “Wokeness is Putin's Weapon,” is at least curious, if not outright amazing. In this essay I am going to show how Mead's argument not only applies to “wokeness,” which is his theme, but to Integralism and WILPs in general (Western, Integral, Liberal, Progressives). Western exceptionalism has become its own worst enemy. Read more: UKRAINE/RUSSIA, My Attempt At a Balanced Perspective - Part 4: An “Insane Experiment?” - ELLIOT BENJAMIN The raging Integral World debate on Russia/Ukraine continues. True to form, Joseph Dillard has given us yet another pro-Russian essay, which elicited another Frank Visser disagreement response essay, and additional comments from Brad Reynolds in strong support of Visser and adamant disagreement with Dillard. So where does this leave me in my continued efforts to find a balanced perspective in this whole Russia/Ukraine escalated disaster? Read more: