Integral World: Exploring Theories of Everything
An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber
Weak-Force Plane Air |
Gravity Line (space) Earth |
Strong-Force Volume (cube) Water |
Electro-magnetism Time Fire |
Everything that exists in this universe emerges from different intensities and combinations of these four inseparably entangled forces (quadrants, or quantum-fields). There is no-where where they are not. Every breath you take, every step you make, everything you see and hear and feel embody these four forces in some way. We cannot escape them because we cannot step outside the universe itself. Even the vacuum of space is bursting with the pure potentiality of the AQAL template (which I like to think of, in the spirit of David Bohm, as a giant integrated Hologram and its dialectical holomovements), where for the first time, we have simultaneous meditative access to all the corners and dimensions of the known universe to go where no man or woman has gone before.
This template begins with the four primordial forces, but it evolves into ever increasing complexity until we get (in advanced human forms, as crazy as it may sound) technology as an evolved form of gravity, Shakespeare as an evolved form of the weak-force, religion as an evolved form of the strong-force, and the political-economy of nations and the world as an evolved form of electro-magnetism. And there is no end-point to the dialectical evolution of the AQAL-Hologram. It is ever-evolving, with human choices and decisions very much at play in the shaping of its on-going forms and shapes, as it always has been in the form of information feedback from the very beginning of life and everything.
Indeed, the evolution of life itself comes from the biochemistry of the quantum fields represented by the four elements of carbon (earth), hydrogen (air), oxygen (water), and nitrogen (fire). Likewise, at a higher or more complex stage of biochemistry, the code of DNA is spelled out by the four nucleic acids of A, G, C, and T. At both levels of biochemical complexity, different dialectical combinations and intensities of quantum fields at different times and places spun a self-organizing web of individual and collective being and consciousness to create life and its myriad forms over billions of years. Eventually, advanced biological forms of the physical body and mind of organisms as well as their intimate collective and societal forms developed, all out of the basic building blocks of biochemistry woven into ever increasingly complex webs of self-organization.
Hydrogen A Air |
Carbon G Earth |
Oxygen C Water |
Nitrogen T Fire |
Everything human beings are, have ever been, or will ever be in their individual and collective manifestations come from the dialectical entanglements of these quadrant-fields at different times and places as the universe has evolved from its very beginning into increasingly complex webs of self-organizing individual and collective being and consciousness. And we ourselves are this evolving conscious-being called the universe, the very person you see in the mirror, the tragedies and joys of everyday experience we witness personally and through the media, all are expressions of the universe itself in its ever-evolving forms of play.
By knowing what elements are at play in what dimensions at any given time and place, we can more easily determine what will emerge through the portal of manifestation, and therefore who we will become as individuals and as human beings. The AQAL-Hologram is an ignition switch to the individual and collective destiny of our being and consciousness to fulfill whatever forms and places we choose to go as a species', and as a representative of the universe aware of itself.